Light Communication Concepts

          Code of ethics


1.       Readings are neither good nor bad though they may be used to give hope and help You identify your options for future behavior


2.       Readers are not trained or qualified to give medical advice. If you have a medical condition. IT IS recommend you seek competent medical or psychological assistance from a qualified health care professional.


3.      Readers are not trained or qualified to give financial advice. IT IS  recommend that you seek competent financial assistance. From a Banker, Broker or Financial consultant before you make any financial transactions.


4.     Readers are not trained or qualified to give legal advice. IT IS recommend that you seek competent legal assistance from a qualified Attorney-at-law if you have legal concerns.


5.       Readers will strive it all times to give you the very best advice of which They are capable.


6.    Readers recommend every person act according to his/her own conscience for the greater good of all concerned.


7.       You alone are responsible for your own choices and behavior.


8.       Your reading is private and confidential.


  At Light Communication Concepts we take your rights and our code of ethics very personally and feel they maintain our professionalism if you feel that a reader has broken their ethics or infringed upon your rights in any way please let us know we will handle all complaints in confidence when possible. Light Communication Concepts deals with all complaints through their Ethics and Disciplinary Board you may request a copy of their ruling.

Clients Bill of Rights 

    Our Reading Fees

Designed by Charles Tiemann.
  Copyright © 2015 [Light Communication Concepts L.C.C.]. All rights reserved.